Summen 293147 Herunterladen Version

Il miglior comparatore prezzi degli hotel di tutto il mondo: trova hotel in offerta comparando tutti i principali siti di viaggi e includendo anche i

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11.37 MB

The fastest and easiest converter from US Dollar (USD) to Canadian Dollar (CAD) and from Canadian Dollar to US Dollar. Setting the currencies every ti

1.9 MB

介紹日本旅行必到景點 提供各景點資訊、住宿、交通安排、火車班次時間表、自駕資料等。 新增教授網上預約方法。 大量免費旅遊資料可隨意下載,下載後無需上網亦可番查有關資料,減少數據使用量。 已下載的旅遊資料可隨時刪除,減少使用電話儲存空間。 可將已下載的旅遊資料加進“我的最愛”,方便隨時查閱。 陸續提供

7.17 MB

小学生必背古诗词80首选编自古代汉乐府诗、北朝民歌和唐、宋、明、清等各个朝代著名诗人留下的80首经典诗歌,最适宜小学生自备阅读、熟记背诵。 【软件功能】 *每一首诗词配有精美图文、名家诵读;提供现代汉语注音;提供注解、译文和评析。 ...... 【软件内容】 01. 汉乐府 长歌行(节录) 02.

35.28 MB

Let's collect the most dangerous areas in London! We are looking for zones where we would not want to go as a tourist, or where we would not feel safe

6.57 MB

ExamsFree MTA 98-349 Windows Operating System Fundamentals practice exam guarantee you will pass on first try. Our guide include realistic 98-349 prep

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Buda Castle is the historical castle and palace complex of the Hungarian kings in Budapest, and was first completed in 1265. In the past, it has been

4.43 MB

【注意】经确认后,您所下载的伺服器被中国境内的网际网路(防火长城)封锁 这是突破510万部的人气系列畅销书籍「指指通旅游会话本」的Android版「touch&talk(JAPAN)」。保留了只要让对方看并用手指就能够沟通的会话工具「指指通旅游会话本(touch&talk)」的基本功能,再加上旅游指

9.57 MB

Give your child a head start in reading by learning the most commonly used words by sight. Use the app everyday to encourage the child to memorize and

22.9 MB

Lake Maggiore App - the official application of the Chamber of Commerce of Biella, Vercelli, Novara and Verbano Cusio Ossola - is the easiest way to d

3.48 MB

當您在日本旅遊,想知道附近有什麼目前網友最推薦的美食或景點,使用「日本Fun APP」可以提供您最精準的資訊。 無論是已經身在日本,或是旅遊前的規劃,「日本Fun APP」會是您的最佳幫手! 0.1.0版: -最初版本上架。 0.1.1版: -地圖上的地標現在會標示出店家的綜合評價分數。 -地圖上的

9.02 MB
우끼니 1.0.2

우(友)끼니 : 맛집 그리고 친구 #맛집 ● 사람이 몰리는 곳엔 이유가 있다? - 해외 여행자들이 꼭 찾는 맛집을 알려드려요! - 실제 유럽을 다녀온 여행자들이 작성한 블로그 글을 분석하여 진짜 현지 맛집을 추천해 줘요~ ● 맛집 찾아 이리저리 헤매지 말자! - 내 위

17.93 MB

唐詩三百首包含完整拼音注音和人工智能AI語音朗讀,可切換注音顯示。 唐詩三百首收錄了近百位詩人的詩,共311首(也含唐詩三百首賞析)和近300首中小學背誦的熱門詩詞。 唐朝(618年~907年)二百九十年間,是中國詩歌發展的黃金時代,雲蒸霞蔚,名家輩出。在數量以杜甫詩數多,有38首、王維詩29首、李

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No Pop-up Adv. 唐詩 300 首,中英文對照版,支持繁簡體。 唐诗 300 首,中英文对照版,支持繁简体。 Chinese 300 Tang Poetry, Bilingual with Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Engli

3.56 MB

CSS Offline Tutorial App Give CSS Learning Study Material From Basics To Advanced Level of JavaScript, JavaScript Reference and JavaScript Study Guide

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25.02 MB

The fastest and easiest converter from Euro (EUR) to Indian Rupee (INR) and from Indian Rupee to Euro. Setting the currencies every time is not needed

1.89 MB

ExamsFree MCITP 70-685 Pro: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician practice exam guarantee you will pass on first try. Our guide include rea

2.95 MB
PeSA 1.0

The management of (dis)stress is an important factor for a long and healthy life. But everyone's stress is different, so is everyone's stress coping s

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